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How to Enable Monetization on Instagram | Instagram Monetization 2020

 IGTV was first launched in 2018 by Instagram, but it was not that successful because people generally watch videos on YouTube. You know that most of the creators nowadays are making money by uploading videos on YouTube and this monetization strategy attracts a lot of people on Youtube. Therefore in recent times, Instagram has also given its creators a chance to earn money by uploading videos on IGTV exactly like people make money on YouTube. Then they tested the features with some creators. Here is a question, How to Enable Monetization on Instagram? or When will Instagram Monetization will start? So today, I have good news about it as I've just enabled my Monetization, and I'll let you know how you can do that too.





Instagram Monetization 2020


Even after having around 90k Followers on Instagram, it is hard to find proper monetization techniques for Instagram as Affiliate Marketing or getting promotions is not always the best option as the earnings can hugely depend on other factors. Thanks to Instagram, it offers money-making opportunities to its creators as YouTube is suffering from high competition and lower ad rates. IGTV is going to surpass YouTube for money making if it offers higher ad rates for the videos the user posts.





You must know that about Facebook Monetization and eligibility for that was to achieve 10k Followers and 30k Views in last 60 days and even after Monetization, they said that when a user watches a video for 1 minute, then only the view will be counted. So views won't be counted if the user watches the video and leaves before completing 1 minute. Talking about Instagram, the eligibility for Monetization will be the same for Swipe-Up links in Stories. In short, you'll need at least 10k followers on Instagram, and you will start seeing the Monetization tab in the recent activity section. As I woke up today, I found fellow creators posting about it, and then I saw it myself on my account.


Instagram Revenue Share


I hope you know that on YouTube, there's revenue sharing, which means the money we earn on YouTube always gets split between YouTube and Creator. The same will happen on Instagram too. It is being said that the revenue share will be 55 percent. Yes, you will get 55 percent of the amount you earn in that particular month.

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